Nvidia Server FreeBSD Server to FreeBSD v2 Server User Manual

Nvision.com, Inc.  
FreeBSD Server to FreeBSD v2  
Self Migration Process  
for FreeBSD v2 Server Administrators  
First Edition  
September, 2003  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
The shadow process for a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server is meant to be a self-  
migration for users with VPS experience. This document does not explain the differences  
between a FreeBSD Server and a FreeBSD v2 Server. However, this document steps you  
through the basics of how to migrate your FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server.  
If you have made significant changes to your FreeBSD Server, this document may not be  
The FreeBSD Server to FreeBSD v2 Server migration process takes several hours, maybe  
even days, depending on your knowledge of the FreeBSD Server and FreeBSD v2 Servers,  
and the amount of changes you have made to a standard FreeBSD Server server.  
Starting the Shadow Process  
The Shadow process creates a new FreeBSD v2 Server account with same account owner (the  
administrative user) and a root user. The root and account owner passwords will be the same  
as the FreeBSD Server account owners. The following files and directories are created on  
your new FreeBSD v2 Server:  
/.migrate – directory  
/.migrate/bin – directory  
/.migrate/accountname – directory containing copy of file system from old account  
/.migrate/bin/addaccounts.pl – file for creating user accounts  
/.migrate/bin/migratesm – file for migrating Sendmail  
/.migrate/bin/README – instructions for addaccounts.pl and migratesm  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
Creating Users  
Your first task after the shadow process is to create your users by running the addaccounts.pl  
script. To do this:  
1. SHH to your new FreeBSD v2 Server and in the command line, type:  
% cd /.migrate/bin  
%./addaccounts.pl accountname  
where “accountname” is your old FreeBSD Server account owner.  
This script creates all the user accounts that were on the old server and their home directories  
at /home/username on the new server, with FTP and mail access and no shell access. Users  
with FTP and mail access will be added to the ftp and mail groups respectively, and each user  
will have a group created for them. The quota for each user remains as it was. If you want to  
grant shell access to a user, run the pw command. An example follows:  
% pw usermod joe –s /bin/csh  
2. To check the amount of disk space being used by a specific user on your server, type:  
% quota username  
where “username” is the name of your user  
Adding Virtual Hosts and Other Apache Changes  
After you have added the users, re-create the Virtual Hosts that you are hosting. In the past  
Virtual Hosts were generally stored in the vhosts directory for FreeBSD Server. For FreeBSD  
v2 Server we strongly suggest that you associate each Virtual Host with a user and put the  
Virtual Host site under that user’s home directory. For example, if you have a Virtual Host for  
test2.com and bob owns that site you would want to add the site to user bob’s home directory.  
You cannot simply copy over the httpd.conf file or the VirtualHost blocks of the httpd.conf  
file. The format for each is completely different between a FreeBSD Server and a FreeBSD  
v2 Server. You will need to run vaddhost again for each Virtual Host.  
An example follows of how to add a Virtual Host with the best settings.  
1. Connect to your FreeBSD v2 Server using SSH and type vaddhost.  
2. Proceed through the script, supplying the requested information. Press Enter to accept  
the [default values].  
a. The user who is to be associated with the virtual host (subhosted domain). (Example:  
b. Type y or press Enter if the information is correct.  
c. Type the hostname (example: grizzles.com) and press Enter.  
e. Press Enter once more to move to the next step.  
f. Type y or press Enter if the hostname information is correct.  
g. Type the e-mail address of the Web site administrator and press Enter. The default  
value is [email protected]. If accepted, the e-mail address of the Web site  
administrator becomes [email protected].  
h. Press Enter, then type the document root for this user.  
(example: /home/joe/www/grizzles.biz)  
Creating Users  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
i. Press Enter to create the directory.  
j. Press Enter or type y if the information is correct.  
k. Select a location for the transfer logs.  
l. Press Enter or type y if the information is correct.  
m. Select a location for the error logs.  
n. Press Enter or type y if the information is correct.  
o. Select an option for CGI execution for this virtual host.  
p. Press Enter or type y if the information is correct.  
q. Review the virtual host entry, and Press Enter or type y if the information is correct.  
Virtual Host (Subhost) information submitted in this step automatically updates the  
/www/conf/httpd.conf file.  
3. Make any additional changes to the httpd.conf file that you may have made on your  
FreeBSD Server account. Do not just copy the httpd.conf file.  
4. Copy the contents of each hosts htdocs directory and cgi-bin directory.  
5. To copy the htdocs directory, go to the /.migrate/accountname/  
% cp –rp * /home/user/www/test1.com/  
6. To copy the cgi-bin directory, go to the /.migrate/accountname/  
% cp –rp * /home/user/www/cgi-bin/  
The log files can be copied over to the user’s home directory if desired.  
7. If you are using FrontPage Extensions, install these now by typing:  
% cd  
% vinstall frontpage  
Be sure to install the extensions for each Virtual Host who uses FrontPage.  
8. If you are using PHP you will need to it now by typing:  
% cd  
% vinstall php4  
Be sure to follow the instructions thoroughly and choosing the needed components to  
9. If you are using any other programs such as mod_rewrite or other apache modules, you  
will need to install these at this time as well.  
Creating Users  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
Migrating Sendmail and Mail programs  
If you are using Procmail, Spamassassin, Majordomo, or any other mail program that needs to  
make modifications to the sendmail.cf file, you need to:  
1. Do a vinstall of these programs first. To see a list of available vinstalls type the  
following at the shell command line:  
% vinstall -l  
2. If you have made any changes to the configuration files for any of these programs, make  
the same changes now.  
3. Additionally, if you have made any changes to your .procmailrc files, copy those  
changes to the new .procmailrc file as well.  
4. Run the migratesm script located at /.migrate/bin/migratesm. This will create your  
aliases, virtmaps, access, and local-host-names files as well as restart Sendmail to make  
the changes take effect.  
5. If you have any Majordomo mailing list in the default location of  
~/usr/local/majordomo/Lists/, those lists will be copied over to the FreeBSD v2 Server  
default location of /usr/local/majordomo/lists/.  
6. When the migratesm script has finished running, an ALIASES_TODO file is created  
with a list of mailing lists, programs, and other files that appear on the right-hand-side of  
the new aliases file. Examine that file to verify that those files are in the same location  
on your FreeBSD v2 Server as they were on FreeBSD Server.  
7. When you have completed this, run the migratesm script a second time using the  
following sysntax:  
% migratesm -intodo  
This will interpret the input ALIASWS_TODO lines as follows  
Lines beginning with a pound sign (#) are ignored  
Lines of the form "alias: Y RHS" (where the "center" field is a literal "Y") are  
ignored. (The "Y" means that the file named in the RHS already exists on the  
FreeBSD v2 Server, and doesn't need to be copied from the FreeBSD Server location  
mentioned in the RHS.)  
Lines of the form "alias: N RHS" (where the "center" field is a literal "N") cause  
migratesm to attempt to copy the file mentioned in RHS to the same location in the  
FreeBSD v2 Server file system.  
If the copy succeeds, migratesm changes the "N" in the middle field to "Y" in the  
updated ALIASES_TODO.  
If the copy fails because the file does not exist in the FreeBSD Server directory  
structure, migratesm changes the "N" in the middle field to "N*".  
Lines of the form "alias: N* RHS" (where the "center" field is a literal "N" followed  
by an asterisk [*])) are ignored.  
Lines of the form "--DESTDIR: /dir/name" (where the line begins with the literal  
string "--DESTDIR:" and is followed by the path to a FreeBSD v2 Server directory)  
override where files listed in subsequent line(s) are copied to. (The files listed in  
subsequent lines are copied from the location named in the third field of the line, to  
the directory listed following --DESTDIR.)  
Lines of the form "--DFLTDEST" cancel the effect of preceding --DESTDIR lines,  
causing the source and destination directories of subsequent lines to be the same.  
All other lines are ignored.  
Migrating Sendmail and Mail Programs  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
The migratesm script updates ALIASES_TODO and backs up the previous copy in  
/etc/mail/ALIASES_TODO.0. Additionally, if you have any Majordomo mailing list in the  
default location of ~/usr/local/majordomo/Lists/, those lists will be copied to the FreeBSD v2  
Server default location of /usr/local/majordomo/lists/.  
8. When you have finished, check the following files for errors:  
If you are using Majordomo /usr/local/majordomo/lists/  
For additional information on how to use the migratesm script, type the following at the shell  
command line as a non-root user:  
% perldoc /.migrate/bin/migratesm  
Migrating Sendmail and Mail Programs  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
Vinstalling Additional Add-ons  
Since your server is a new server, you will need to vinstall any additional programs that you  
may have installed on your FreeBSD Server account. There may not be a vinstall for some of  
the programs that you had installed in the FreeBSD Server account with vinstalls. If this is the  
case, you can install the program using the FreeBSD Ports collection. For information on how  
to install programs using the Ports collection, see the Reseller Handbook, page 190.  
Perl Modules  
If you are using Perl and have installed modules that you use, you must install these modules  
on your FreeBSD v2 Server as well. FreeBSD v2 Server no longer uses vcpan as the default  
method of installing Perl modules. Instead, FreeBSD v2 Server now uses the default Perl  
method of installing modules. To install a module using CPAN:  
1. Type the following at the shell prompt:  
% perl -MCPAN -e shell  
The first time you run CPAN, you will be prompted for your preferences regarding  
where to download your modules and other settings. For most settings, accept the  
2. When it comes time to select your mirror preferences, just select 4 or 5 mirrors that look  
good to you (you don't have to know anything about them or where they are). If you are  
really worried about selecting the right mirrors, choose the first 5 (1 2 3 4 5) .  
Once you have configured your CPAN settings, you'll likely never have to do it again.  
3. Once at the CPAN command line (cpan> ), to install a module type:  
% cpan> install <Module_name>  
This will get and install the module. To save space on your server, type the following at  
the CPAN command line:  
% cpan> clean <Module_name>  
This will delete all unnecessary files that where used during installation.  
Vinstall Additional Add-ons  
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Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
Migrating Databases  
Only MySQL, the most popular database that is used with the VPS servers, is covered.  
1. Vinstall the MySQL database by typing the following at the shell prompt:  
% vinstall mysql  
The vinstall will prompt you whether to install MySQL using the Ports collection or  
FreeBSD Server style. For convenience, choose the FreeBSD Server style of installation.  
This will install MySQL and start the MySQL daemon for you.  
2. After MySQL is installed, change the password for the root user by typing the following  
at the shell prompt:  
% mysqladmin -u root password <your-new-password-here>  
In addition, if you have other users you will need to create the extra users at this point  
with their proper permissions.  
3. Create the databases from the FreeBSD Server MySQL database. To do this, type the  
following at the shell prompt for each database:  
% mysqladmin create <database-name-here>  
4. The last thing to do is do a mysqldump of each database on the FreeBSD Serverand a  
run the dump file on the FreeBSD v2 Server to add the contents of the database.  
However, you will not want to create the dump file or import the information from the  
MySQL database from the FreeBSD Serveruntil you are ready to make your FreeBSD  
v2 Server live. For more information on perform a MySQL dump and import go to:  
Migrating Databases  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
Moving Your Custom Digital Certificate  
The default digital certificate is already on your new VPSv2 server. This procedure applies  
only to custom certificate.  
1. Using FTP or another method, copy the certificate and Private Key files to the new  
server. Both the certificate and the key are stored in the ~/etc/ directory of the FreeBSD  
Server server. The certificate should be in a file named ssl.cert, and the key should be in  
the ssl.pk file. If you use FTP, be sure to copy the files to the new server as ASCII files.  
You will need to copy them to the /usr/local/apache/conf/ directory on the FreeBSD v2  
2. It is a good idea to check your Private Key to make sure it has been decrypted. Use more  
or your favorite text editor to view the file. If your key has been decrypted, you should  
not see the following lines before the encoded elements of the key.  
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED  
DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,BCC23A5E16582F3D  
3. If your Private Key does have those lines near the beginning, run the following  
command to remove the encryption.  
% openssl rsa -in ssl.pk -out ssl.pk  
4. Edit your httpd.conf file (located in the /usr/local/apache/conf/ directory) to look for  
your certificate files. The following directives need to be added to the main section of  
your httpd.conf file.  
SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.cert  
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.pk  
5. After you have added the certificate directives to your httpd.conf file, you need to run  
restart_apache to make Apache start using the new certificate.  
6. Ensure that the new certificate is working by connecting to the domain your certificate is  
domain.name, you would type the following into your browser's location bar.  
7. If the page loads without any errors, find the lock icon on your browser and click on it  
(depending on your browser, you may need to double-click). This will bring up the  
certificate information, or a window that lets you view certificate information. Check to  
see that the certificate is using the correct domain name and has the correct information.  
Moving Your Custom Digital Certificate  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
Migrating Time-Sensitive Material  
There are three areas requiring migration that are time sensitive:  
These have to be migrated with minimum downtime and without losing information. For this  
reason, they migrated last. Perform the following steps precisely in order to achieve the best  
1. S SSH into your new FreeBSD v2 Server and add the following line to the  
/etc/hosts.allow file, using your favorite text editor.  
SMTP submission aol : all : twist /bin/echo “450 This server  
is moving its IP address!”  
This will block all mail to your FreeBSD v2 Server. All mail will be bounced with a 450  
error that will tell the sending mail server to retry sending later. This way, you should  
not lose any mail.  
2. In the <utility_name>, change your main Address Record (A) for each domain on your  
server to the new IP address of the FreeBSD v2 Server. This will also change the Time  
to Live (TTL) for each domain up to 24 hours from 10 seconds. If there is a problem and  
you need to move your domain back to the old server, you will need to contact support  
to do this. In addition, you will want to have support change your TTL back to 10  
seconds. If any DNS servers have cached their DNS before you have support change  
your DNS back and your TTL, it will take those DNS servers 24 hours to update you  
DNS information again.  
To avoid all this you can have support move your domains over to the new FreeBSD v2  
Server and make sure they keep the TTL to 10 seconds. If there is a problem, then you  
can call them back and have them reverse it keeping the TTL at 10 seconds.  
3. While still connected to your FreeBSD v2 Server rename each user’s mail folder, for  
% cd /var/mail  
% mv username username_new  
Do this for every user except root, since there is no root user on the FreeBSD Server  
4. Copy the inbox or /var/mail/username for each user by typing the following:  
% cd /var/mail  
% scp accountowner@<IPofVPSv1server>:”var/mail/*” .  
This will copy all the files in the FreeBSD Server server’s ~/var/mail directory,  
which should be a list of the accounts on the FreeBSD Server server.  
5. Next, you will need to append any mail on the new FreeBSD v2 Server to mail from the  
FreeBSD Serverby typing the following for each user on the server, except root.  
% cd /var/mail  
% cat username_new >> username  
% rm username_new  
6. Using your favorite file transfer tool, copy any IMAP folders from the user’s home  
directory on the FreeBSD Serverto the user’s home directory on the FreeBSD v2 Server.  
You must now use the IP address of the FreeBSD Serverinstead of the domain, since the  
Migrating Time Sensitive Material  
Nvision.com, Inc.  
Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server  
domain will now point to the FreeBSD v2 Server instead.  
You will need to do this manually since there may be many different names for mail  
7. Migrate your databases from MySQL. To do this, SSH into your FreeBSD Serverusing  
the IP address.  
8. Perform a mysqldump on each database by typing the following at the shell command  
% mysqldump –u username –p databasename > filename  
where “username” and “filename” are replaced with appropriate names.  
9. Type the password.  
10. The name of the file should appear with all the SQL and data needed to recreate the  
database structure and data.  
11. Copy the dump file to the FreeBSD v2 Server by typing the following:  
% scp dumpfilename root@domainname:/root/  
This will copy the file to the /root directory of the FreeBSD v2 Server. Do this for each  
database that you have.  
12. SSH into your FreeBSD v2 Server and type the following to create the database  
structure and enter the data into the database:  
% mysql –u username –p databasename < /root/filename  
13. Type the password.  
14. Do this for each database that you have. After you have finished this, verify that the  
information was imported correctly.  
15. After everything is working correctly, change the /etc/hosts.allow file back to the way it  
was by deleting the following line that you added:  
smtp submission aol : all : twist /bin/echo “450 This server  
is moving its IP address!”  
This will allow mail to be received again by your FreeBSD v2 Server.  
16. After you have completed all the steps above, verify that all services are functioning  
properly. In addition, check with all your users to verify they have all the files they need.  
Also, check all Web pages to ensure they are functioning properly.  
Migrating Time Sensitive Material  
Document Conventions  
The conventions used in this document are designed to be completely predictable and are used for the following  
specific purposes.  
Conventions List  
Used to indicate the following:  
The first mention of new terms in any information unit. For example:  
The rudaplex and the strataguide have been the modified for this model.  
References to titles of books, chapters, headings, CDs, diskettes, or  
software programs. For example:  
Refer to The Technical Manual for technical term descriptions.  
Variables that the user types. For example:  
Type the User ID in the User ID text box.  
Used to indicate the following:  
Exact text strings typed. For example: Type ABCDEFG.  
Keyboard keys pressed. For example: Press Ctrl-A, then press Enter.  
Blue Underline  
Used to indicate linked email, IP, Network, or Web addresses. For example:  
Go to http://www.microsoft.com for more information about Microsoft  
Used to indicate a reference to another part of the same document. The grey  
portion of the cross-reference is hot linked to the appropriate section of the  
document, followed by a page number, also hot-linked to the same portion of  
the document. For example:  
For more information about the Document Conventions, see the "Document  
Operating System Text  
Program Code  
Used to indicate text that appears in a shell session for an operating system.  
The displayed text pertains to operating system text only, not application  
elements. For example:  
Type LIST MAIN FOLDER. The screen displays the Main folder.  
Used to indicate code listings. For example:  
# do something;  
# check to see if $user has the attrib 'atrib'  
if (hasKey($user_obj, 'atrib', $dbh) != 1)  
print "User not Authorized to update!";25  
Screen Element  
Screen elements consist of anything that is displayed on screen (exclusive of  
the operating system). This includes toolbar menu items, drop-down lists and  
items in a drop-down list, buttons, or anything else a user sees on screen. For  
From the Printer drop-down list, choose Local Printer. The Are You  
Sure? dialog box appears. Click OK.  
The following message appears: User Not Authorized  
Document Conventions  
Special Elements  
These elements provide a variety of information ranging from warnings that the reader should not neglect to  
supplementary information and tips that will simply enhance their reading experience.  
Tip Used to point out helpful ideas, some not-so-obvious features, quick or  
alternate ways to get a particular job done, and techniques you might not discover by  
yourself. The Tip List special element is used when multiple tips are used.  
Note: Used to highlight certain information for the reader. Generally, the Note  
element provides additional information on the current topic. The Notes: special  
element is used when multiple notes are required.  
Used for information that is considered more pertinent to the reader than  
information presented in Note elements.  
Used as a hazard light in documents. Information included in a Caution element  
could save the reader from hours of lost work.  
Document Conventions  

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